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Kickstart Scheme

Kickstart your Business & Tap into
Britain’s Talented Youth Workforce

with the Government-Supported Kickstart Scheme

Help growing your business

Do you want to give your business a boost at zero expense? Your business hires a young person aged between 16 and 24 and the government 100% funds the placement. Kickstart candidates include talented, driven graduates with skills and ideas worth nurturing. DNS’s DWP-approved Kickstart Gateway scheme looks after the whole process on your behalf and delivers training for your new recruits.

Helping young people back to work

Our mission is to aid young people aged between 16 and 24 facing long-term unemployment because of COVID-19. That’s why we have pledged to get 1,000 Kickstarters signed up by the end of 2021, and we have already successfully submitted over 300 applications to DWP.

Why Choose DNS?

DWP-approved Kickstart Gateway

No Costs to employer

End-to-end solution

Recruitment and training support

Strong relationship with DWP

15+ years of experience working with small businesses

To find out about our employer representative services, please get in touch!

What is the Kickstart Scheme?

Hire young candidate for your business
100% wages funded by the govt including NI and pension contributions
Each placement for 25 hours per week for 6 months
Additional grant for training and admin support
No obligation to retain the candidate after 6-month period

How Does It Work?


Initial discussion with our team to discuss your requirements.



We will review KYC and send an engagement contract for you to sign.


Information gathering

We will contact you to gather the relevant information about the roles.


Application Submission

We will submit the application to DWP. It takes 3-4 weeks usually to get an approval from DWP.


Formal Agreement

We send you DWP Grant Agreement letter for signing.


Vacancy Advertising

We send job description to DWP for adverting on their portal.


CV Review and Interview

Our Recruitment Manager will interview the candidate and provide feedback to you. You can choose one of the candidates.


Onboarding and informing DWP

We will inform the DWP as soon as the candidates start working.


Wages Grant

First wage grant will be paid in 6 weeks and then monthly grants every 4 weeks until the end of placement.



We will provide employability support and training to the candidate throughout the placement period. This will be in form of by-weekly sessions and one-on-one sessions with recruitment manager during the placement period.


Training Support

As part of our service, at no cost to you, we provide comprehensive employability support and training and development to prepare the young people joining your organisation. This includes regular sessions and one-on-one sessions with our HR/recruitment experts. This is all part of our support and obligation to you as a DWP-approved Kickstart gateway.

Regular session on business soft-skills delivered by industry experts

Support to young candidate via CV review, mock interviews by our experts.

Mentoring each young person throughout the placement period as necessary.

How Much Do I Pay ?

No cost to you

The scheme is fully funded by the government.

Admin Grant

The grant provides £1500 per candidate to cover admin, recruitment, training and set up expenses. We provide end-to-end solution covering recruitment, admin, compliance, DWP communications, employability training and grant disbursement. Our fee will be covered by DWP grant.

Wages Grant

The grant also covers national minimum wages for 25 hours per week for 6 months. The govt also covers associated NI and pension contributions.

Excellent opportunity

This is an excellent and unique opportunity to hire talent youth in the country at no cost to the business.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are a DWP-approved Kickstart Gateway, so we can fast-track your application and give it the best chance of success. We communicate with DWP on your behalf, act as a bridge between you and the government, liase with their requirements, submit your application, prepare job descriptions, interview candidates, provide employability support to them, etc.

COVID has caused mass unemployment, with the 16–24-year-old age category hit the hardest. Anyone in this age group, on Universal Credit, who is unemployed is eligible to apply under the Kickstart scheme. Thus there is a huge pool of high-quality candidates who currently find themselves unemployed and your business can benefit enormously at zero cost.

See the terms of the scheme here: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/kickstart-scheme

The government funds the whole scheme. The pension, national insurance and wages contributions are all covered by government rebates.

Employers of all sizes can apply in any sector.

No, but the roles should not replace or affect the existing or the planned ones.

It takes around 6-8 weeks but process is now getting more efficient.

The employer can apply for another Kickstart candidate and this second placement will be for another 6 months duration. There will be no clawback of the monies allocated in respect of the first Kickstart placement, but no further PAYE payments will be made.

DNS will act as the representatives for the employer and claim on their behalf. We will receive the funding and disburse to them.

There is no min requirement for that.

This is not guaranteed. But you can always refer the candidate.

First £1,500 grant will be disbursed within a week of candidate joining. Salary grant will be disbursed each month after DWP gets confirmation of Payroll from HMRC.

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