Managing of cash surplus looks like to be a more difficult task than just earning it. There are many options available with the limited companies to invest cash surplus or retained earnings. Firstly, you must work out how much amount of cash surplus is available with your company for investment so that you are able to make proper estimate of the earnings that you must retain in order to pay your liabilities, whenever they become due. It will be considered a good step, if you will go forward only with the retained profits for investment purpose rather than using your bank cash which is needed at times to pay corporation tax on annual basis & VAT and PAYE on quarterly basis.
If you are planning to invest your company profit, you may have the following options available with you –
Doing investment in high interest account/bonds can also be availed as one of the exit strategies for the future, when you end contracting or take retirement. Many people after closing the company distribute the accumulated retained profits as capital to get benefits in the form of lower tax rate in comparison to dividends.
In addition to it, there are more tax implications when director is also a shareholder in a limited company. Hence, you must take care of these points carefully before using this approach in future. It’s better to seek an expert advice on this matter rather than going forward all alone.
It is important that before making any investment decision related to pension contribution, you must take an advice from a professional expert.
Note – Dividends can only be paid through profits and it is advisable that before investing the cash surplus into dividend, you must take an advice of a professional expert to understand pros and cons of it.
Property is basically a long term investment that can be used for future rent cash flows. When you invest in a property, it is for longer period as it is not a liquid asset (which can be quickly converted into cash). However, instead of renting, you can do investment in a property for the company premises alternatively.
Hence, it is advised that you must use only your spare cash for investment in stock, shares & property.
In case you are having any questions regarding managing of cash surplus in a limited company, Kindly call us on 03330886686 or you can also e-mail us at
Also See: Limited company tax basics for professional contractors
Also See: Complete guide on Directors Loans Accounts
Any questions? Schedule a call with one of our experts.
Sumit Agarwal Sumit Agarwal (ACMA ACA India), the Managing partner of dns accountants is a highly respected accountant with expertise in helping owner-managed businesses.
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