What is a Certificate of Residence? In case an individual is the Director of a company in the...
Founder dns accountants
6 minutes read
Registering a food business Businesses, in the UK, are required to get in touch with the local...
9 minutes read
Citizens, in the United Kingdom, are eligible to receive cash allowance for fuel or get free solid...
3 minutes read
You are responsible for submitting your tax return to HMRC once a year, containing details of...
What is a Nominee Shareholder? A nominee shareholder is a shareholder only in name. The...
7 minutes read
If profits of a company, in the United Kingdom, for an accounting time-period are at a yearly rate...
4 minutes read
‘Simplified expenses’ are a method of calculating few of your business expenses using flat...
Previously filed VAT returns or while filing your VAT returns of the current period, you may...
What is VAT Retail Scheme? VAT retail schemes are the schemes designed for businesses to...
When you can Appoint a Nominee Shareholder? As per the definition, Nominee shareholders are...
Find List of Professional Bodies Approved for Tax Relief HMRC has published the latest version...
There have been recent reports about a claim for more holiday pay raised by a contractor, Susan...
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