Update Since 5 April 2020, a UK resident who owes capital gains tax (CGT) on the sale of a UK...
Founder dns accountants
6 minutes read
From 6th April 2020, important changes have been made to the deadline for filing and paying Capital...
7 minutes read
Update Since 5 April 2020, a UK resident who owes Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on the sale of a UK...
Tax Senior and Client Manager
Self-employed persons should have a basic understanding of their bookkeeping needs even you are...
5 minutes read
What is BACS payment? BACS (managed by BACS payment schemes limited) is an electronic...
4 minutes read
If you buy equipment, machinery, or business vehicles to carry out your work / business you may be...
When a family member dies, it is always heart-breaking. Not only are they dealing with a tidal wave...
According to reports, the UK has more than 300,000 second homes or holiday homes. Many regard it as...
Here at dns we support thousands of contractors around the UK and our team help them to not only...
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9 minutes read
The first question you may ask is “Do I need a specialist contractor accountant?” The simple...
3 minutes read
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